Rib pain is a common discomfort for many expectant mothers during pregnancy, particularly as their baby develops. As your uterus grows, it may push against your ribs, further leading to pain or sharp aches. This pain may be felt in your back or sides, and it can increase when there is movement or any changes in posture. Although such aches are not severe, they can still be concerning. Understanding the reasons for rib pain during pregnancy and figuring out ways to reduce it can provide you comfort. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common culprits that trigger rib pain during pregnancy and also provide some tips to relieve the same.
Alongside tackling such discomforts during pregnancy, it is also important to consider the future health of your baby. So, you must also start hunting for the perfect stem cell bank to store your baby’s cord blood stem cells. For starters, you can also try to garner more information on LifeCell – one of the most trusted stem cell banks in the country.
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Reasons for Rib Discomfort in Pregnancy
Rib pain during pregnancy can cause extreme discomfort. To tackle it, it is important to undertake the various reasons that cause this pain. These include-
Alterations in the Musculoskeletal System
Due to the evolution of your body throughout pregnancy, you might feel rib pain during movements. For example, bending forward is more difficult because your growing baby obstructs the movement. This may cause pain due to pressure in your ribs.
Biliary calculi
Pregnancy may increase the probability of formation of gallstones (i.e hardened pieces of bile that form in the gallbladder). This occurs because of increase in estrogen levels and a slower gallbladder function, which can lead to stone formation. As many as 12% expectant moms experience gallstone formation. Although most of the women may not show symptoms, a few might feel pain. In some rare cases, surgery might be needed post-pregnancy to remove the stones.
Pregnancy increases the hormone relaxin, which is responsible for relaxing your muscles and ligaments in readiness for childbirth. This may lead to some sort of discomfort, such as rib pain. Relaxin also impacts the muscles in your food pipe, potentially leading to heartburn. In certain instances, heartburn may feel similar to pain around the ribs during pregnancy.
Additional Complications
Although rib discomfort during pregnancy is a normal feature of the whole childbirth experience, it can sometimes point to a more severe condition. For example, pain in the upper right area of your abdomen may suggest problems in the liver, preeclampsia, or HELLP syndrome, which are critical health conditions. Hence, if you go through intense rib discomfort suddenly accompanied with symptoms such as dizziness, vision issues, bleeding, headaches, or nausea; seek professional medical assistance immediately.
How to Ease Rib Pain?
As mentioned, in most cases, rib pain during pregnancy is caused merely by the baby pushing against or kicking your ribs, which can be difficult to escape. In such cases, taking a warm bath and pain-relief medication (with your physician’s approval) may help decrease the pain. In addition to this, mild physical exercise can also help in alleviating discomfort .
Moreover, the treatment for rib discomfort depends on the underlying cause. For example, if a urinary tract infection (UTI) is responsible, antibiotics may assist in treating it. On the other hand, in case of gallstones, surgery may be needed post-delivery to extract them.
Here are some additional home remedies to ease rib pain:
Mild Exercise: Regular mild exercise can be helpful. Light stretching can be advantageous , and using an exercise ball for pregnancy-focused workouts can help relax your back and chest muscles.
Heat Pad: A heat pad can be a secure method to reduce discomfort during pregnancy. But it is important to make sure that it isn’t excessively hot.
Chiropractor: A chiropractor who specialises in pregnancy can provide useful guidance on exercises, adjustments in posture, and various techniques to reduce discomfort.
Yoga: Yoga offers a gentle and effective method to stretch your muscles and joints during pregnancy, aiding in the relief of rib, back, and joint discomfort.
Baggy Attire: Donning loose, comfy garments can help avoid additional discomfort from tight or constricting clothing, which can intensify pain.
As previously mentioned, discomfort beneath the ribs may occasionally indicate a severe condition referred to as pre-eclampsia. Additional symptoms to be aware of include:
- Intense head pain
- Issues with vision, like unclear sight or flickering lights
- Discomfort right beneath the ribs
- Vomiting
- Unexpected swelling in the face, hands, or feet.
If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to seek medical advice immediately.
Although many cases of pre-eclampsia are mild, if left untreated, it can lead to serious complications for both the mother and baby. The earlier preeclampsia is diagnosed and monitored, the better the outcome for both mother and baby.
In conclusion, while rib pain during pregnancy is often normal and can be caused by the baby’s growth or other minor issues, it’s important to stay aware of any signs that may point to something more serious, like pre-eclampsia. If you experience sudden or severe pain, along with other concerning symptoms, don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference for both you and your baby.
And for that extra dose of reassurance when it comes to your little one’s health, you can rely on banking your newborn’s cord blood with a stem cell bank like LifeCell. Additionally, you can also check out other add-on services provided by such banks to get maximum benefits for your entire family while storing your baby’s precious stem cells with them. Remember, at the end of the day, both yours’ and your baby’s health is of top-most priority.